Graffiti removal and surface cleaning

Graffiti removal and surface cleaning on noise barriers

The surface of a noise barrier is the canvas of many graffiti sprayers. If it is covered in graffiti or dirty, this conveys an image of dirt or insecurity. In addition, the damage caused by graffiti can lead to a visual devaluation of the noise barrier.

It is therefore understandable that many authorities or local councils wish to remove graffiti and dirt from walls quickly and without leaving any residue. We work with a biodegradable process.

Fast, clean and safe

Our service staff will remove the graffiti from your noise barrier quickly, easily and cleanly on site.

The solvent is mixed well before use and then applied to the noise barrier by spraying, rolling or brushing. After a reaction time of 15-30 minutes, the paint residues are removed with a demarcation head (spray-suction method) or a high-pressure cleaner.