
Saferoad is officially certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

ISO 9001 quality management system

ISO 9001 
Quality Management System

With reliable quality management, Saferoad stands for continuous improvement, optimised processes and consistently high quality. Our quality management is our driving force for a constant increase in performance in all operational processes.

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ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO 14001
Environmental management system

Saferoad's ecological footprint is important to us. It is our social obligation to protect our environment and to use natural resources responsibly. With this certification, we want to set an example and are committed to harmonising entrepreneurial thinking and environmental protection.

Download the certificate (DE)
Download the certificate (EN)
Download the certificate (FR)


ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety

ISO 45001
Safety and health at work

Safety is the core essence of our work. At Saferoad, we pursue the goal of "Vision Zero": no fatalities or serious injuries on the roads. In addition, modern occupational safety is important to us, which includes prevention and health protection in the workplace.

Download the certificate (DE)
Download the certificate (EN)
Download the certificate (FR)